On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 02:29:50 +0000 (UTC), "Kennewick Man; the first, the
The second amendment, far from referring to "a right to bear arms," as it
is so often quoted, reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to
the security of a free State, the rights of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed." The reference is obvious to the militia,
the National Guard of the days the founding fathers were composing this
document by which we live.
The National Guard was formed in 1909.
Was there anything else you wished to spew about before being sent to
the kill file?
I am the Sword of my Family
and the Shield of my Nation.
If sent, I will crush everything you have built,
burn everything you love,
and kill every one of you.
(Hebrew quote)